360°/3D Publication in the web …
Besides the immediate publication by your web designer using Flash there is another, more efficient way for a large number of products. A Client Server solution, which we offer directly over our hosting license, converts the image data fully-automatically into 360° 3D applications.

An application provided for your web designer or shop administrator is integrated on the spot where the 360°/3D image data is to be displayed. Then, the application accesses the server with your image data and translates the data dynamically into a high-resolution 360° 3D animation without any special requirements to the internet connection. When we talk about 360°/3D photography provided by www.eib3D.com we actually speak of a 3D reprography because with our technology the processed single frames (around their own axis, from different angles) are put together to create a high-resolution 360° 3D application which loads the image data dynamically and represents the data as seamless images without transition. This 360°/3D technology permits a huge competitive advantage particularly for those who offer their products on the internet or produce product catalogues and other promotional material.